Athletics @ Dietz
The administration at Dietz K-8 supports the development of youth athletics programs for the purpose of enhancing the academic curriculum and building community. We currently offer girls' and boys basketball Track & Field, Soccer, and Volleyball sports for our student athletes.
Coach-Mr. Sonier
Middle Schedule-Click to Download
Coach-Ms. Shaloo
Coach-Mr. Sonier

Coach-Mr. Sonier

Track and Field Season

OMA-Opening Minds through the Arts
Inspired by exciting, ongoing research into connections between brain development and music, Tucson's Opening Minds through the Arts (OMA program) is a leader in a national movement to integrate arts education with core curriculum. OMA uses instrumental music, opera, dance, theater and visual arts to help teach reading, writing, math and science to children in kindergarten through 8th grade. Each fully implemented OMA school has an Arts Integration Specialist and a team of seven artists who work alongside classroom teachers, adapting each lesson to support teaching of core content and knowledge. In addition, children learn to play the recorder, violin, a wind instrument and keyboard. In Tucson, the OMA program employs 26 artists from the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Arizona Opera Company, University of Arizona Schools of Music and Dance and other arts organizations to teach 30-minute, twice-weekly classes for 36 weeks of the school year that support core curriculum goals.
Dietz OMA Events>>>>Click Here
Advanced Learning Experiences
The study and exploration of national, state approved content using 21st Century Learning Models, Project Based Learning (PBLs) Models and computing technologies. Student Centered Teaching synergized with Computer Based Instruction are effective modalities that offer adaptive, immersive learning environments that inspire Digital Natives to become productive Digital Citizens.
The Hour of Code @ Dietz K-8
The first step to introduce our Dietz Dragons to computer science is to participate in the Hour of Code, the largest learning campaign in history. Mr. Lewis is supporting our dragons to experience that computer science is fun, easy, and accessible at all ages.
20-Hour Intro Course for GATE 6th & 7th Grade Resource
This 20-hour course introduces core computer science and programming concepts. The course is designed for use in classrooms for grades K-8, but it is fun to learn at all ages. Our Dragons listed have completed the 20-hour course. Congratulations:
Caleb Joyal
Joshua Syposs
Kody Linscott
Kayla Patrick
Ismael Velazquez
Erick Chavarria
Seth Irakunda
Michael Sonier

Fine & Performing Arts
TUSD has been named one of the Best Communities for Music Education by the National Foundation of Music Merchants. This is the second time our district has received this award. Our school site features support in this area by Ms. Jennifer Wortman.

More to come soon!